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Author: Dean213 - Replies: 1 - Views: 3995
[Steam][Game] Layers of Fear : Free for a Limited Time
[Image: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/ap...1528907258]

You take another drink as the canvas looms in front of you. A light flickers dimly in the corner. You’ve created countless pieces of art, but never anything like…this. Why haven’t you done this before? It seems so obvious in retrospect. Your friends, critics, business partners—soon, they’ll all see. But something’s still mi
Author: Skyware - Replies: 0 - Views: 482
The Freak Show - Layers (2024)
The Freak Show - Layers (2024)

[Image: https://i.postimg.cc/RZ942xbX/The-Freak-Show.jpg]

Artist: The Freak Show
Album: Layers
Released: 2024
Style: Progressive Trance, Psychedelic
Format: MP3 320Kbps

1. Pied Piper Of Hamelin 07:35
2. Layers (Miracle 2) 06:24
3. Amadeus 06:20
4. Awakening 07:05
5. Strings 06:44
6. Seeds 05:29
7. Anagenesis 06:34
8. The Freak Show & Soundbuster – Blue Ocean 06:25
9. Dovrat 05:49
10. Flowers 05:56