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Author: Alv37 - Replies: 196 - Views: 113075
K-Lite Codec Pack v18.x
K-Lite Codec Pack
v18.5.5 (Full)

[Image: https://pic.clubic.com/v1/images/1500681...d574514271]

K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of components needed for audio and video playback in DirectShow players such as Windows Media Player, Media Center, and Media Player Classic. It contains everything you need to play all common audio and video file formats. It also provides additiona
Author: Alv37 - Replies: 194 - Views: 171781
Shark007 Advanced Codec / Standard Codec v18.x
Shark007's Codecs
Advanced Codec / Standard Codec v18.1.7 (Portable x64)
Advanced Codec v16.5.0 | Standard Codec v12.9.0 (Installer / Portable x86)

[Image: https://www.videohelp.com/softwareimages...s_1380.jpg]


[align=left]Shark007's Codecs is an audio and video codec package which contains a full suite of codecs.This ins
Author: Togijak - Replies: 1 - Views: 3700
FastPictureViewer Codec Pack

[align=left]The FastPictureViewer Codec Pack adds fast thumbnail and preview support to Microsoft Windows for many image formats, including RAW formats from more than 580 digital cameras, Photoshop PSD, OpenEXR, TGA, DDS, HDR, Maya IFF, SGI RGB, JPEG 2000 and more! The Codec Pack is compatible with Windows 10 Desktop, Windows 8.x Desktop, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP SP3 and also creates thumbnails for Google SketchUp