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Author: coua - Replies: 1 - Views: 4234
Trend Micro 15 beta version 15.0.1057 is available for testing now
Trend Micro 15 beta version 15.0.1057 is available for testing now 

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Maximum Security 15

Author: mastersteven - Replies: 0 - Views: 3266
Linux Fixes For Bleeding Tooth" Bluetooth Vulnerability Are Available
BleedingTooth is a remote code execution vulnerability affecting all Linux kernels going back to Linux 4.8. It allows an attacker within Bluetooth range to execute code on remote systems if Bluetooth is turned on the remote system and it's set to be discoverable thanks to a combination of security issues in the BlueZ library and heap-based type confusion on the Linux kernels L2CAP code.

[Image: https://i.imgur.com/azkWDKO.jpg]
[i]The BleedingTooth Bluetooth vulnerability in action.[
Author: NikKlaus - Replies: 1 - Views: 2371
TeamGroup DDR5-4800 memory now available for preorder, shipping soon
The first DDR5 memory is now available for sale:

[Image: https://cdn.videocardz.com/1/2021/06/Tea...DDR5-1.jpg]
TeamGroup’s DDR5 memory, which only launched this month, is now available for preorder on Amazon. A 32 GB kit